Nicolas RousselDirector of Bordeaux-Sud-Ouest Inria Research Centre. After heading up a business unit at ALCIMED, a company specializing in sectors driven by innovation, life sciences (biotech, healthcare, food), energy, environment, aeronautics, chemicals, cosmetics, materials, building, transportation, space and defence—she joined CLS as project coordination manager for space oceanography in 2009. Jean-Jacques has an engineering degree in Automatics and Electronics from INSA Toulouse, a Master degree in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics from Paul Sabatier University, and a DEA in Automatics. Patrick Séguéla holds a doctorate in AI, is an engineer from the National Institute of Applied Science (INSA). Experienced in Machine Learning, Reasoning and Real-Time Systems in international environments (17 years in USA & Canada), Jean-Marie is passionate about helping people find creative and simple solutions to challenging problems. Dr. Bonnefon is a Research Director at the French Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, affiliated to the Toulouse School of Economics, the Toulouse School of Management, and the Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse. Elle participe à des publications, notamment : Revue de la Gendarmerie Nationale n° 248 décembre 2013 « La conduite des hostilités dans le cyberespace », « La cyberdéfense, Quel territoire, Quels droits ? Mr. Laborde has in the same time an academic carrier. Sketch Les Pygmées Dieudonné Mbala Mbala - Duration: 20:42. He is a member of the Task Force of the World Health Organization on the ethical regulation of AI in health. In July 2019, Marjorie integrated ANITI as the industrial co-pilot, with Leila Amgoud, of the integrative program on Acceptable AI. His mission is to develop research programs and ensure the integration of the latest technologies and innovations into the Group’s software solutions. Jean-Paul LABORDERoving Ambassador of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean on Counter Terrorism, Transnational Organized Crime. Olga Battaïa co-authored about 200 scientific publications, participated in several European research projects, coordinated research projects with industry and was involved in organizing several renowned international conferences across Europe and other countries. Trainer and speaker, she works with professionals and universities. Rate is 250€ per person for full access to all conference sessions and workshops during the entire duration of the event. Before, he has been a permanent researcher in Sony Computer Science Laboratory for 8 years (1999-2007). Later on, he joined the education sector as Director of the Epitech school campus in Toulouse, where he then integrated Epitech’s national commission managing the innovation programs and industrial partnerships of all 12 Epitech campus in France. Watch Queue Queue. After 20 years in local authorities, including 10 in the direction of economic action and research in the Midi-Pyrénées Region, I joined the Midi-Pyrénées Incubator in 2012, became Nubbo in 2018. He then created Pick-and-Go in the field of plastic pallet pooling and realized the need to track mobile assets. Ghizlaine’s focus today is to use the powerful technology that her team has developed in order to create a new generation of ESG indicators allowing a neutral, impartial and normalized assessment of the extra financial performance and its comparison between peers. VOIR LE REPLAY. Nous répertorions toutes les conférences et événements sur la cybersécurité qui se déroulent en France. Arnaud de Rosnay is Head of Spacecraft and Systems Engineering at Airbus Defence and Space since September 2019. She holds a research chair in the ANITI project on “New certification approaches of AI based systems for civil aeronautics”. He also studied mechanisms enabling machines and humans to discover, invent, learn and evolve communication systems. After a first experience as a radio host, William puts his energy and communication skills to benefit. Hosted by Links Elite, Wooxo Solutions and 2 others. In 2012, Fabien founded a start-up on connected objects. Manufacturing Modelling for Management and Control. He is the co-founder of KanopyMed, a company aimed at improving health care systems through data-driven and population-based decision-support tools. Since 2014 she has been in charge of developing R&D activities like the IKATS project dealing with Analysing Time Series upon a Big Data architecture. He was key note speaker in many conferences on those topics and is the author of a book on Organized Crime and the Rule of Law. Is your company trustworthy? Ghizlaine graduated from ISG Business School and St-John’s University with a MS in Finance and holds a MS in psychology. Co-founder of the NXU (Next HUmanity) Thinktank: To make NXU the leading Think Tank in France in the field of NBICs, but also the most complete, intelligent and comprehensive reference site, so that citizens can find elements of reflection on the impact of NBICs, varied and easily available information. Sebastien Jardin is working in the Security & Safety sector since 2015. She is also part time associate Professor at Ecole Polytechnique. Show Map. Sebastien Jardin is working in the Security & Safety sector since 2015. _ Note: on June 2-3, B2B meetings and an exhibition will be held aside from the conferences.Make sure to take advantage of these great networking opportunities. She was granted a research Chair of the Pr[AI]rie Institute in 2019 and is deputy director for the health curriculum. The French national digital security strategy, announced October 16th, 2015 by French Prime Minister Manuel Valls, is designed to support the digital transition of French society. Founder and Head of the Data Science Unit, Artificial Intelligence Fast Track Leader, AIRBUS, Associate Dean of Research, KEDGE Business School, Director of Bordeaux-Sud-Ouest Inria Research Centre, INRIA. His work has a strong emphasis on automated reasoning and its interactions with Machine Learning, especially probabilistic reasoning. Born in Mauritius, married with 2 sons, Arnaud graduated in Aeronautical and Space Engineering (ISAE 1987), and holds an MSC in Robotics and a Business Strategy degree from Harvard Business School. After graduating from the Ecole Polytechnique and the Aeronautical Superior School in 1989, she served as head of military airplanes and helicopters’ flight navigation systems management at the French Directorate for Armament. Raphael’s entrepreneurial and tech career spans across multiple regions and sectors. In 2004, she took responsibility as head of governance for the administrative and general management information systems at the Ministry of Defense. Stéphanie LIMOUZINChief Business Development Officer. Are there common interests on AI shared by member states? After two years as a innovation project manager and a CEDEP training in Business Excellence, I am now the head of the DaherLab. This video is unavailable. With an highly talented team he is building the mid-term robotic roadmap. He is a fellow of the European Association for AI (EurAI), and of the Association for the Advancement of AI (AAAI) as well as a recipient of the ACP Distinguished Service Award. De nombreux échanges sur un sujet d'actualité qui touche toutes les PME. TPierre-Yves OUDEYERResearch Director & Head of the Inria and Ensta-ParisTech FLOWERS Team. He leads the AI works of theSACHEM project for process control assistance, one of the largest civil AI projects of the 2000s. 03 22 53 26 26 Prior to working at MIT, Hidalgo was a research fellow at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. In 2007, he took the lead of the R&T department in applied mathematics to develop advanced methods in physical modelling, optimization, CAD/CAE, High Performance Computing, Probabilistic & Statistical Modelling and Model-based systems Engineering. about 3 months ago. Serial entrepreneur, William is mostly a leader and visionary. His research has always been guided by a constant concern for applications, particularly in statistical finance, sustainable development and health. Petit déjeuner Cybersécurité à Montpellier ! He holds a PhD in Physics from the University of Notre Dame and a Bachelor in Physics from Universidad Católica de Chile.Hidalgo’s contributions have been recognized with numerous awards, including the 2018 Lagrange Prize and three Webby Awards. JN Piotrowski is an entrepreneur, expert in computer security since 1999. Mercier has been the principal investigator on a research project supported by the French Ministry of Health on potentially avoidable hospitalizations. A graduate of the Ecole Centrale de Paris and holder of a DEA in AI, François-Marie is SopraSteria’s AI Technology Champion and in charge of the Data / IA mission at the Aerospace Valley cluster. This page is updated automatically and filtered with security events pertaining to Bordeaux. Sebastien is now the Business Development Director for IBM Security in France and works to promote towards C-Levels the necessity of adopting a cyber business reflex because « digital transformation is an unstoppable wave that will come back to us as backfire and will cost a lot to companies if cyber security is not considered in the projects from their very beginning ». He is now involved in collaborations with the Toulouse Biotechnology Institute (TBI), the Toulouse White Biotechnology (TWB) consortium, the Centre de recherche sur le Cancer de Toulouse (CRCT) and a few biotech startups in the design of new proteins, from improved antibodies to environmental friendly enzymes , e.g. Hidalgo’s is also the author of three books: Why Information Grows (Basic Books, 2015),  The Atlas of Economic Complexity (MIT Press, 2014), and How Humans Judge Machines (MIT Press, Forthcoming 2020). He chaired the European Commission independent expert group on the ethics of driverless mobility whose report was released in September 2020. He also co-organized four editions of the Forum on Tactile and Gestural Interaction and an Inria – Industry Meeting on « Interaction with digital objects and services ». Fabien Bardinet is an aviation fan and a robotics enthusiast. She serves as Associated Editor for several international peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of Manufacturing Systems, IISE Transactions (Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers) and Omega-International Journal of Management Science. Dr. Nicolas Mazzucchi is Research Fellow at the Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique in charge of cyber, energy and primary goods issues. Prior to Cosmian, Raphael was CEO of Scilab, publisher of open-source numerical computational software for engineers and scientists, until its acquisition by Euronext-listed ESI Group, a global leader in HPC-powered simulation software, where he was in charge of the cloud solutions business unit. His creativity, his vision and passion for technologies as well as his wish to keep moving forward, brought him to build XXII, a deep technology company composed of more than sixty passionate collaborators. He holds the Moral AI chair at the Artificial and Natural Intelligence Toulouse Institute. Ghizlaine Amrani has been leading the development and business growth of the company to create a leader in Economic Intelligence powered by AI. In 2010, he integrated CAPGEMINI as vice-president in charge of the Business Development Unit « Space, Navigation and Defense » for CAPGEMINI Technology Services, and then was “Cybersecurity” Business Unit Manager for SOGETI France in 2014 and 2015. She is involved in the development of new methodologies using Decision Support, Operations Research and Artificial Intelligence for design and optimisation in manufacturing and logistics. More than a year ago. Nicolas Miailhe co-founded The Future Society (TFS) in 2014 and originally incubated it at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. Also, during her first years, Ghizlaine has worked as psychotherapist for children with autism and childhood psychosis for the Red Cross. CXO INFOSEC WEB SHOW | SEE THOUGHTS FOR 2021. Director of Bordeaux-Sud-Ouest Inria Research Centre. He is an expert for the Global Patnership on AI Future of Work (OECD) Working Group and contributes to the Toulouse Think Tank NXU. Automated reasoning targets the resolution of complex puzzles: the algorithms developed in his lab can solve the most devilish Sudoku grids in less than a millisecond, can learn the rules of Sudoku from examples but also solve much harder and more serious puzzles (but many others are still too hard and cannot be solved). clock. Cette conférence est la 5ème d’une série sur les systèmes de drônes et les essaims autonomes. BSides Series.,, NXU & Digital 113’s health commissions chairman, Member of the « Numérique en santé » delegation (DNS). Escroqueries, cybercriminalité et espionnage industriel : Les bonnes pratiques pour mieux se protége Keynote Cybersécurité dans le cadre de la conférence NOVAQ 2018 Bordeaux, Université du Futur du 14 septembre 2018 Le 20 mars 2018, CIO a organisé une matinée sur le thème «Pour une cybersécurité compatible avec le business» à Paris. Cesar A. Hidalgo is a Chilean-Spanish-American scholar known for his contributions to economic complexity, data visualization, and applied artificial intelligence. She co-writes « Apprendre demain – Quand intelligence artificielle et neurosciences révolutionnent l’apprentissage » (Dunod – sept 2019). Elle participe également à des groupes de travail et de réflexion avec de nombreux partenaires publics et privés. Mercier’s publications include 60 peer-reviewed articles in journals such as Health Affairs, BMC Health Services Research, and Plos One. Nouvelle-Aquitaine | Mercredi 17 Juin. How to optimize your ethical potential? Laurence Devillers is a full Professor of Artificial Intelligence at Sorbonne University (PIV) and heads the Chair in Artificial Intelligence HUMAAINE : HUman-MAchine Affective INteraction & Ethics (2020-24) at CNRS. Vice-President, Head of Strategic Partnerships Intelligence, Business Innovation Director, Business & Decision, Research & Innovation Director, Berger-Levrault. 17 years of experience in large scale industrialization of automotive powertrain electronic devices. By joining this newsletter you'll receive all of our alerts for every country we report on. Patrick is member of the board of Digital 113 (cluster of SME in Occitanie), member of the AI Think Tank NXU and founder of the Alliance for Open Chatbot. A recognized strategist, thought-leader, and implementer, Nicolas has lectured around the world, and advises governments, international organizations, philanthropists, and multinationals. Associate professor at ISAE/SUPAERO in Mathematics until 1999, he spent 8 years with DGA (French Defense Procurement Agency) as a manager in the fields of Space, Observation, Intelligence, UAVS and of System of systems engineering. It is also an unprecedented impulse that places France as a leader in promoting a road map for European digital strategic autonomy. 5 Human Stories » (L’Harmattan, 2020), “What artificial intelligence does to work. Her mission is to provide investors and institutions with predictive macro-economic and financial indicators to identify profitable investment opportunities and associated risks by analyzing alternative data such as satellite imagery, social networks, meteorological data, shipping, etc. Raphael is co-founder and COO of Cosmian, an enterprise software company focused on data security powered by cryptography. She joined the Applied Mathematics department of Ecole Polytechnique in Paris in 2008 as assistant professor and was recruited as Professor in the University of Paris school of medicine in 2016. He currently holds an AI Research Chair at the Artificial and Natural Intelligence Toulouse Institute (ANITI) and he is a Junior Member of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF). His sharp expertise and his unique vision have been developed through concrete projects conducted for organizations in all sectors of activity, in France and abroad. He is a committed player and an informed observer of the impacts of artificial intelligence as he has been advising organizations on their data strategy for 20 years. The company he co-founded, Shark Robotics, has developed a robot named Colossus that has been successfully integrated into more than 10 fire brigades in Europe, and helped save Paris’ Notre Dame Cathedral when flames engulfed its roof in 2019. This page is updated automatically and filtered with security events pertaining to Bordeaux. Between 2010 and 2019 Hidalgo led MIT’s Collective Learning group, climbing through the ranks from Assistant to Associate Professor. Stéphanie Limouzin, an engineer in agronomics (food industry), graduated with a Master of Business Administration (MBA). What are the avenues to help French AI startups become unicorns? My position makes me work in close collaboration with the Occitanie Regional Council on the areas of employment, professional training and economic development.

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