The current structure of the Egyptian population may be the result of further influence of neighbouring populations on this ancestral population[109], Diop disputed sweeping definitions of mixed races in relation to African populations, particularly when associated with the Nile Valley. Diop, Cheik Anta (1973), in Preface (pp. In 1946, at the age of 23, Diop went to Paris to study. Demba Sy, Papa, "L'itinéraire Politique de Cheikh Anta Diop". He initially enrolled to study higher mathematics, but then enrolled to study philosophy in the Faculty of Arts of the University of Paris. Diop insisted on a broad interpretation similar to that used in classifying European populations as white. It is the physical appearance which counts. They show close cultural links between Nubia and Ancient Egypt, though the relationship had been acknowledged for years. The present of aquiline features for example, may not be necessarily a result of race mixture with Caucasoids, but simply another local population variant in situ. [4][13] In Paris, Diop studied under André Aymard, professor of History and later Dean of the Faculty of Letters at the University of Paris and he said that he had "gained an understanding of the Greco-Latin world as a student of Gaston Bachelard, Frédéric Joliot-Curie, André Leroi-Gourhan, and others". Diop focuses on Africa, not Greece. In linguistics, he believed in particular that the Wolof language of contemporary West Africa is related to ancient Egyptian. "[27], Diop published his technique and methodology for a melanin dosage test in the Bulletin of Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire. At a UNESCO colloquium in Athens in 1981, he asserted: "I don't like to use the notion of race (which does not exist)... We must not attach an obsessional importance to it. He ultimately translated parts of Einstein's Theory of Relativity into his native Wolof. Diop said that he "acquired proficiency in such diverse disciplines as rationalism, dialectics, modern scientific techniques, prehistoric archeology and so on." 89–90. Egiptólogos tales como F. Yurco apuntaron que entre los pueblos exteriores a Egipto, los nubios eran los más cercanos genéticamente a los egipcios, compartían la misma cultura en el período predinástico, y empleaban la misma estructura política faraónica. Cheikh Anta Diop was an Afrocentric historian, anthropologist, physicist and politician who studied the human race’s origins and pre-colonial African cul. Cheikh Anta Diop, a modern champion of African identity, was born in Diourbel, Senegal on December 29, Cheikh Anta Diop was born at the end of in Diourbel, Senegal, a city reknowned for spawning great Islamic philosophers and historians. Ce savant doit être connu de tous les africains. He proposed that African culture should be rebuilt on the basis of ancient Egypt, in the same way that European culture was built upon the legacies of ancient Greece and Rome. For example, ancient Egyptian matches with Indians and Europeans are generic in nature (due to the broad categories used for matching purposes with these populations) and are not due to gene flow. Sus primeros pasos académicos los dio en una escuela tradicional islámica. Ancient Egyptian and the négro-africain languages such as Wolof are related, but any common origin may be very remote and their relation may not be close. Author: Library of Congress. He proposed that a single African language be used across the continent for official, educational, and cultural purposes. "[26] (After his death the university was named in his honor: Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar.) À l`âge de 23 ans, il part pour Paris afin d`étudier la physique et la chimie mais se tourne aussi vers l`histoire et les sciences sociales. [16] He said that the Egyptian language and culture had later been spread to West Africa. The years of his life (1923-1986) were years of transition and change for African people and the whole world. He was general secretary of the RDA students in Paris from 1950 to 1953. Under the "true negro" approach, Diop contended that those peoples who did not meet the stereotypical classification were attributed to mixture with outside peoples, or were split off and assigned to Caucasoid clusters. Publicó El origen africano de la civilización: mito o realidad en 1974. Stevanovitch A, Gilles A, Bouzaid E, Kefi R, Paris F, Gayraud RP, Spadoni JL, El-Chenawi F, Beraud-Colomb E., "Mitochondrial DNA sequence diversity in a sedentary population from Egypt". In 1966 he created the first African laboratory for radiocarbon dating with the university now named after him. as one localized Nile valley population. "Apportionment of Racial Diversity"; Keita and Kittles, "The Persistence...", op. Diop took an innovative approach in his linguistic researches published in 1977, outlining his hypothesis of the unity of indigenous African languages beginning with the Ancient Egyptian language. was dissolved, Diop and other former members reconstituted themselves under a new party, the Front National Sénégalais (FNS) in 1963. [52] Diop answered critics in chapter 12 of African Origins of Civilization, which is entitled 'Reply to a Critic'. Diop's own Wolof studies were examined by Russell Schuh, a specialist in the Chadic languages, who found little resemblance or connection between many of the Wolof etymologies cited by Diop and Egyptian, of the type that are found when comparing Wolof to a known related language like Fula. Tourneux (2010), "L'argument linguistique chez Cheikh Anta Diop et ses disciples", pp. Explore Cheikh Anta Diop's biography, personal life, family and cause of death. Obenga, Théophile (1992), "Le 'chamito-sémitique' n'existe pas". It gained a much wider audience for his work. Diop's view that the scholarship of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century was based on a racist view of Africans was regarded as controversial when he wrote in the 1950s through to the early 1970s, the field of African scholarship still being influenced by Carleton S. Coon and others. Those who have followed us in our efforts for more than 20 years know now that this was not the case and that this fear remained unfounded. Diop's fundamental criticism of scholarship on the African peoples was that classification schemes pigeonholed them into categories defined as narrowly as possible, while expanding definitions of Caucasoid groupings as broadly as possible. Compartir en Facebook Compartir en Twitter. [46] Diop always maintained that Somalians, Nubians, Ethiopians and Egyptians were all part of a related range of African peoples in the Nilotic zone that also included peoples of the Sudan and parts of the Sahara. Cheikh Anta Diop est né le 29 décembre 1923 à Thieytou, dans le département de Bambey, région de Diourbel (Sénégal). 97–8. Rousseau, Madeleine and Cheikh Anta Diop (1948), "1848 Abolition de l'esclavage – 1948 evidence de la culture nègre". cit. All these factors combined, based on the formation of a federated and unified Africa, culturally and otherwise, are surmised to be the only way for Africa to become the power in the world that she should rightfully be. One of Diop's most controversial issues centers on the definition of who is a true Black person. He completed his thesis on pre-dynastic Egypt in 1954 but could not find a jury of examiners for it: he later published many of his ideas as the book Nations nègres et culture. In 1949, Diop registered a proposed title for a Doctor of Letters thesis, "The Cultural Future of African thought," under the direction of Professor Gaston Bachelard. He declared that the peoples of the region were all Africans, and decried the "bizarre and dangerous myths" of previously biased scholarship, "marred by a confusion of race, language, and culture and by an accompanying racism. [citation needed], The Swiss archaeologist Charles Bonnet's discoveries at the site of Kerma shed some light on the theories of Diop. More contemporary critics assert that notions of the Sahara as a dominant barrier in isolating sub-Saharan populations are both flawed and simplistic in broad historical context, given the constant movement of people over time, the fluctuations of climate over time (the Sahara was once very fertile), and the substantial representation of "sub Saharan" traits in the Nile Valley among people like the Badari.[103][104]. Diop would in the course of over 25 years found three political parties that formed the major opposition in Senegal. [66], Analyses of other scholars (Hiernaux 1975, Keita, 1990 et al.) Perhaps Diop's most notable idea is his insistence in placing Nile Valley peoples in their local and African context, drawing a picture of a stable, ancient population deriving much of its genetic inheritance from that context, as opposed to attempts to split, cluster, subdivide, define and regroup them into other contexts. (2006), This page was last edited on 29 December 2020, at 08:14. Op zoek naar artikelen van Cheikh Anta Diop? Similarly, the Dynastic Race Theory of Egypt asserted that a mass migration of Caucasoid peoples was needed to create the Egyptian kingships, as slower-witted Negro tribes were incapable. While acknowledging that the ancient Egyptian population was mixed, a fact confirmed by all the anthropological analyses, writers nevertheless speak of an Egyptian race, linking it to a well-defined human type, the white, Hamitic branch, also called Caucasoid, Mediterranean, Europid or Eurafricanid. [49], Diop's theory on variability is also supported by a number of scholars mapping human genes using modern DNA analysis. In protest at the refusal of the Senghor administration to release political prisoners, Diop remained largely absent from the political scene from 1966 to 1975. He also stated that opponents were hypocritical in stating that the race of Egyptians was not important to define, but they did not hesitate to introduce race under new guises. S. O. Y. Keita, "Early Nile Valley Farmers, From El-Badari, Aboriginals or 'European' Agro-Nostratic Immigrants? Nació el 29 de diciembre de 1923 en la región senegalesa de Diourbel. [43], Diop held that despite the Sahara, the genetic, physical and cultural elements of indigenous African peoples were both in place and always flowed in and out of Egypt, noting transmission routes via Nubia and the Sudan, and the earlier fertility of the Sahara. In 1918, the French created the "école africaine de médecine" (African medical school), mostly to serve white and Métis students but also open to the small educated elite of the four free towns of Senegal with nominal French citizenship. [7] Toyin Falola has called Diop's work "passionate, combative, and revisionist". [15] In his 1954 thesis, Diop argued that ancient Egypt had been populated by Black people. En la práctica es posible determinar directamente el color de piel y, por tanto, la afiliación étnica de los antiguos egipciones por análisis microscópico en el laboratorio; Dudo si la sagacidad de los investigadores que han estudiado la cuestión ha pasado por alto la posibilidad. Throughout history, it has been the phenotype which has been at issue, we mustn't lose sight of this fact. "[21] Diop was highly critical of "the most brilliant pseudo-revolutionary eloquence that ignores the need" for rebuilding the African national consciousness "which must be met if our people are to be reborn culturally and politically. He had said, "In practice it is possible to determine directly the skin color and, hence, the ethnic affiliations of the ancient Egyptians by microscopic analysis in the laboratory; I doubt if the sagacity of the researchers who have studied the question has overlooked the possibility. Cheikh Anta Diop Diop is on Facebook. Cheikh Anta Diop was considered to be one of the greatest scholars to emerge in the African world in the twentieth century. While acknowledging the common genetic inheritance of all humankind and common evolutionary threads, Diop identified a black phenotype, stretching from India, to Australia to Africa, with physical similarities in terms of dark skin and a number of other characteristics. (F. Yurco "An Egyptological Review", 1996)[40], Diop's work has been subjected to criticism from a number of scholars. Después de 1960 Diop retornó a Senegal, y continuó escribiendo. Nació en Kaolack.Actualmente vive en Dakar.Ha estudiado en University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar.Tiene una beca París 2019 / 2020 en la universidad Université Paris Sud - Paris 11 Cheikh Anta Diop was an Afrocentric historian, anthropologist, physicist and politician who studied the human race’s origins and pre-colonial African cul. [2] His work was greatly controversial and throughout his career, Diop argued that there was a shared cultural continuity across African peoples that was more important than the varied development of different ethnic groups shown by differences among languages and cultures over time. [11], In 1953, he first met Frédéric Joliot-Curie, Marie Curie's son-in-law, and in 1957 Diop began specializing in nuclear physics at the Laboratory of Nuclear Chemistry of the College de France which Frederic Joliot-Curie ran until his death in 1958, and the Institut Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris. [106], As regards living peoples, the pattern of complexity repeats itself, calling into question the merging and splitting methods of Jensen, et al. Finally, Schur argued that, if the human species originated in Africa and it created human language, then all human languages have an African origin and are therefore related. He specified that he used the terms "negro", "black", "white" and "race" as "immediate givens" in the Bergsonian sense, and went on to suggest operational definitions of these terms. 12. [108], Our results suggest that the Gurna population has conserved the trace of an ancestral genetic structure from an ancestral East African population, characterized by a high M1 haplogroup frequency. [30][31], Some critics have argued that Diop's melanin dosage test technique lacks sufficient evidence. Nevertheless, he awarded Diop and similar scholars credit for posing these problems.[55]. Diop Cheikh A K Hélène Cattey Two new dialkyammonium selenate salts [i-Pr2NH2]2[SeO4] (1) and [n-Bu2NH2][HSeO4] (2) have been isolated and characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. He holds that the range of peoples and phenotypes under the designation "negre" included those with a wide range of physical variability, from light brown skin and aquiline noses to jet black skin and frizzy hair, well within the diversity of peoples of the Nilotic region. In 1946, at the ripe age of 23, Diop decided to go to Paris to study. (1993), "La parenté génétique entre l'egyptien pharaonique et des langues négro-africaines moderns: L’exemple du duala", pp. [47], It is held by Keita et al. Artikelen van Cheikh Anta Diop koop je eenvoudig online bij Snel in huis Veelal gratis verzonden Cheikh Anta Diop, a modern champion of African identity, was born in Diourbel, Senegal on December 29, 1923. Tourneux, Henri (2010), "L'argument linguistique chez Cheikh Anta Diop et ses disciples", pp. Conversely, Ancient Egyptian may be more closely related to languages that cannot be classed as black and/or African than to many négro-africain languages. Diop, Cheik Anta, translated by Mercer Cook (1974). His interpretation of anthropological data (such as the role of matriarchy) and archeological data led him to conclude that Egyptian culture was a Black African culture. Cheikh Anta Diop University predates Senegalese independence and grew out of several French institutions set up by the colonial administration. University of California, Santa Barbara, and James M. Burns, a professor in history at Clemson University, have both referred to Diop's writings of Ancient Egypt and his theories, characterizing it as "revisionist". Cheikh Anta Diop nació en Diourbel, Senegal. Ha sido considerado uno de los más grandes historiadores africanos del siglo XX. Infrastructure of UCAD. or earlier.[74]. Gentle, idealistic, peaceful nature with a spirit of justice. To say that a Shillouk, a Dinka, or a Nouer is a Caucasoid is for an African as devoid of sense and scientific interest as would be, to a European, an attitude that maintained that a Greek or a Latin were not of the same race, Critics of Diop cite a 1993 study that found the ancient Egyptians to be more related to North African, Somali, European, Nubian and, more remotely, Indian populations, than to Sub-Saharan Africans. (1975). En 1918, la francoj kreis la École africaine de médecine por eduki blankajn kaj mestizajn studentojn, same kiel malgrandan … [10] He obtained the colonial equivalent of the metropolitan French baccalauréat in Senegal before moving to Paris to study for a degree.[11]. Cheikh Anta Diop, a modern champion of African identity, was born in Diourbel, Senegal on December 29, Cheikh Anta Diop was born at the end of in Diourbel, Senegal, a city reknowned for spawning great Islamic philosophers and historians. Esta página se editó por última vez el 17 nov 2020 a las 17:27. Frank Yurco, "An Egyptological Review", 1996, in Mary R. Lefkowitz and Guy MacLean Rogers. 531–32. Muchos de sus trabajos han sido criticados y tachados de revisionistas[1][2] y el no valerse de ningún método científico o histórico le ha valido el apelativo de pseudohistoriador.[3]. Environment . In it he argues that only a united and federated African state will be able to overcome underdevelopment. See photos, profile pictures and albums from UCAD-Université Cheikh Anta DIOP De Dakar. [114] Diop's book "Civilization or Barbarism" was summarized as Afrocentric pseudohistory by academic and author Robert Todd Carroll.[8]. Había dicho: Diop usó esta técnica para determinar el contenido de melanina de las momias egipcias. However, from the 1930s archaeologists and historians re-discovered such past African achievements as Great Zimbabwe, and from the 1940s linguists started to demonstrate the flaws in the hypothesis. He should be considered as one of the greatest scientists after Darwin, as he demonstrated that Africa was the cradle of humanity; that everything started in Africa, and that Egypt and modern day Africans descended from the same ancestors, in other words, were the … Research in this area challenges the groupings used as (a) not reflecting today's genetic diversity in Africa, or (b) an inconsistent way to determine the racial characteristics of the Ancient Egyptians. Únete a Facebook para conectar con Cheikh Anta Diop y otras personas que quizá conozcas. Many cultures the world over show similar developments and a mixture of traits. Extremely warlike peoples, for example, the Zulu, appear frequently in the "Southern Cradle". [48] As regards the key Badarian group, a 2005 study by anthropologist S. O. Y. Keita of Badarian crania in predynastic upper Egypt found that the predynastic Badarian series clusters much closer with the tropical African series than European samples. Hoteles cerca de Cheikh Anta Diop University, Dakar: 5.433 opiniones de hoteles, 6.594 fotos de viajeros y los precios más baratos para 74 hoteles en Dakar. [24] This critical work constitutes a rational study of not only Africa's cultural, historic and geographic unity, but of Africa's potential for energy development and industrialization. Datos: Q671363; Multimedia: Esta página se editó por última vez el 9 oct 2019 a las 18:03. The widow of the Senegalese scholar and Egyptologist Cheikh Anta Diop, Louise Marie Diop, died Friday in Paris at the age of 90 following a long illness. This is considered to be an indigenous development based on microevolutionary principles (climate adaptation, drift and selection) and not the movement of large numbers of outside peoples into Egypt. At the age of twenty-three, he went to Paris, France to continue advanced studies in physics. [25], After the B.M.S. Diop never asserted, as some claim, that all of Africa follows an Egyptian cultural model. J. D. Walker, "The Misrepresentation of Diop's Views". UNESCO Symposium on the Peopling of Ancient Egypt and the Deciphering of Meroitic Script. This symposium generated a lively debate about, but no consensus on, Diop's theories. In his "Evolution of the Negro World" in Présence Africaine (1964), Diop castigated European scholars who posited a separate evolution of various types of humankind and denied the African origin of homo sapiens. El 7 de febrero de 1986, Diop murió en su lecho Dakar. [17][18], Diop had since his early days in Paris been politically active in the Rassemblement Démocratique Africain (RDA), an African nationalist organisation led by Félix Houphouët-Boigny. It is a hazard of the evolution. Le sobrevivieron sus tres hijos y su esposa. If we speak only of genotype, I can find a black who, at the level of his chromosomes, is closer to a Swede than Peter Botha is. The special edition of the journal was on the occasion of the centenary of the abolition of slavery in the French colonies and aimed to present an overview of issues in contemporary African culture and society. Just as the inhabitants of Scandinavia and the Mediterranean countries must be considered as two extreme poles of the same anthropological reality, so should the Negroes of East and West Africa be considered as the two extremes in the reality of the Negro world. On a bigger scale, the debate reflects the growing movement to minimize race as a biological construct in analyzing the origins of human populations. Cheikh Anta Diop’s most popular book is The African Origin of Civilization: Myth or Reality. [4], Diop argued above all that European archaeologists before and after the decolonization had understated and continued to understate the extent and possibility of Black civilizations. Sanders, Edith R. (1969), The Hamitic Hypothesis; pp. Critics note that similar narrow definitions are not attempted with groups often classified as Caucasoid. Instead he claims Egypt as an influential part of a "southern cradle" of civilization, an indigenous development based on the Nile Valley. Leakey : rapport (sous presse) du VIIe Congrès Panafricain de préhistoire à Addis Abeba (1971). [22], In 1960, upon his return to Senegal, he continued what would be a lifelong political struggle. It is these relationships which have played a role in history. Cheikh Anta Diop (né le 29 décembre 1923 à Thieytou - mort le 7 février 1986 à Dakar) est un historien et anthropologue sénégalais. May 12, … Leiberman and Jackson 1995 "Race and Three Models of Human Origins". Greenberg, Joseph H. (1949), "Studies in African Linguistic Classification: I. 10. Diop supported his arguments with references to ancient authors such as Herodotus and Strabo. Alain Froment, 1991. These researchers hold that they too often rely on a stereotypical conception of pure or distinct races that then go on to intermingle. It could seem to tempting to delude the masses engaged in a struggle for national independence by taking liberties with scientific truth, by unveiling a mythical, embellished past. Ndigi, Oum (1997–1998), "Les Basa du Cameroun et l'antiquité pharaonique égypto-nubienne". Cheikh Anta Diop (29 de diciembre de 1923 - 7 de febrero de 1986) fue un historiador, antropólogo, físico nuclear y político panafricanista senegalés que estudió los orígenes de la raza humana y la cultura africana. Cheikh Anta Diop, "Evolution of the Negro world". I attach no more importance to these questions than they actually deserve in modern twentieth-century societies."[101]. Keita and Rick A. Kittles, "The Persistence of Racial Thinking and the Myth of Racial Divergence". as is grouping the complexity of human cultures into two camps. are typically misrepresented and framed in these stereotypical terms, so as to quickly dismiss his work and avoid engaging it point by point. Proclamó que evidencias arqueológicas y antropológicas apoyaban su postura afrocéntrica de que los faraones eran de origen negroide. Cit, 11. [68] He rejected early 20th century theories that confused race and language, such as those advanced by the linguist Carl Meinhof and the anthropologist Charles Gabriel Seligman. The new topics did not relate to ancient Egypt but were concerned with the forms of organisation of African and European societies and how they evolved. Tourneux (2010), "L'argument linguistique chez Cheikh Anta Diop et ses disciples", pp. There is a contradiction here: all the anthropologists agree in stressing the sizable proportion of the Negroid element—almost a third and sometimes more—in the ethnic [i.e. [43] Critics of this study in turn hold that it achieves its results by manipulation of data clusters and analysis categories, casting a wide net to achieve generic, general statistical similarities with populations such as Europeans and Indians. ', in Sylvia Hochfield and. [59] Under this approach, racial categories such as "Blacks" or "Caucasoids" are discarded in favor of localized populations showing a range of physical variation. By 1962 Diop's party working on the ideas enumerated in Black Africa: the economic and cultural basis for a federated state became a serious threat to the regime of then President Léopold Senghor. [7][8] According to Marnie Hughes-Warrington, Diop's works were criticised by leading French Africanists, but they (and later critics) noted the value of his works for the generation of a "politically useful mythology", that would promote African unity. [40], Diop argued that there was a shared cultural continuity across African peoples that was more important than the varied development of different ethnic groups shown by differences among languages and cultures over time.[3]. Mixed-race theories have also been challenged by contemporary scholars in relation to African genetic diversity. Échale un ojo a los precios de los hoteles cerca de Universidad Cheikh Anta Diop Esta noche 28 nov. - 29 nov. Comprueba los precios cerca de Universidad Cheikh Anta Diop para esta noche, 28 nov. - 29 nov. Mañana por la noche 29 nov. - 30 nov. Comprueba los precios cerca de Universidad Cheikh Anta Diop para mañana por la noche, 29 nov. - 30 nov. Sanders, Edith R. (1969), "The Hamitic Hypothesis; Its Origin and Functions in Time Perspective". Con 23 años fue a París en 1946 para convertirse en físico. [45] A 2004 review of DNA research in African Archaeological Review supports some of Diop's criticisms. La fin du Néolithique et l’apparition des métaux, Revue de la métallurgie, n° 8 1954 par A. ix–x) to Obenga. Cheikh Anta Diop is a Top 100 Bestselling Author Making Our List 4 Times. At the same time, the statistical net is cast much more narrowly in the case of 'blacks', carefully defining them as an extreme type south of the Sahara and excluding related populations like Somalians, Nubians and Ethiopians,[46] as well as the ancient Badarians, a key indigenous group. [37] Diop's work has posed important questions about the cultural bias inherent in scientific research. "The Earliest Semitic Society: Linguistic Data", Interview conducted by Charles Finch III in Dakar on behalf of the. El intelectual senegalés, uno de los padres del afrocentrismo, cumpliría este sábado 95 años. His research has become under-regarded because he did not accept this academic discipline. Historiador y antropólogo senegalés que estudió los orígenes de la raza humana y la cultura africana precolonial. The reviewers found that some researchers seemed to have shifted their categories and methods to maintain this "special case" outlook. Cheikh Anta Diop was an Afrocentric historian, anthropologist, physicist and politician who studied the human race’s origins and pre-colonial African cul. [5][6], Diop's works have been criticized as revisionist and pseudohistorical. Diop, inspired by the efforts of Aimé Césaire toward these ends, but not being a literary man himself, took up the call to rebuild the African personality from a strictly scientific, socio-historical perspective. Variation need not be the result of a "mix" from categories such as Negroid or Caucasoid, but may be simply a contiuum of peoples in that region from skin color, to facial features, to hair, to height. Modern linguistic analysis places the origin of the Afro-Asiatic languages in northeast Africa, and plausibly puts the origin of the Egyptian language in the Nile valley, between the apex of the Delta and the First of the Cataracts of the Nile.[94]. Diop Cheikh A K Hélène Cattey Two new dialkyammonium selenate salts [i-Pr2NH2]2[SeO4] (1) and [n-Bu2NH2][HSeO4] (2) have been isolated and characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Permaneció allí 15 años, estudiando física bajo la dirección de Frédéric Joliot-Curie, yerno de Marie Curie, llegando a traducir partes de la Teoría de la Relatividad de Einstein a su idioma nativo, el wolof. [9], Born in Thieytou, Diourbel Region, Senegal, Diop was born to an aristocratic Muslim Lebu family in Senegal where he was educated in a traditional Islamic school.
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